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Canyoning Salzkammergut

Burggrabenklamm, Grabenbach, Hohenzollern Wasserfall, Gimbbach

You can't write about canyoning in the Salzkammergut without mentioning the canyoning pioneer Putz Heli, who first climbed most of the gorges in this region and set up the abseiling points. In addition to the gorges we lead (Burggrabenklamm, Jabron, Gimbbach and Aqua Cowboy) there are many other canyons in this region. We rarely run the Tengelgraben and the Simpl Bach in Bad Goisern or the Drachenmaul in Gosau.

A recommendable gorge, which we like to go to the Burggrabenklamm as an encore, for example, is the Mitterweißbach. This gorge, also called Devil's Bathtube, is very short and usually has a lot of water. It's hard to believe how much fun you can have jumping (up to 10 meters) and sliding in this fun little canyon.

If you are looking for information about a special canyon, we can highly recommend the Canyoning Wiki. There you will often find reports about the current state of the canyons.